"Let men be wise by instinct if they can, but when this fails be wise by good advice." -Sophocles

Friday, July 6, 2007

Conservative Voice Quotes Capital Cloak

Capital Cloak was recently quoted by a nationally syndicated conservative columnist. Armstrong Williams, described by the Washington Post as "one of the most recognized conservative voices in America," wrote a column published by Human Events Online on July 2nd about New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s experimental cash for good behavior program. I had written a post on that topic for Capital Cloak on June 20th, and Mr. Williams, in summarizing his opposition to the socialistic nature of Bloomberg’s program, chose to utilize a sentence from my original post to illustrate his point. After outlining his objections to the cash for behavior program, Mr. Williams wrote:
One detractor of the program said it like this: “We have now gone from ‘You can feed a man with fish, but it is better to teach him how to fish’ to ‘Let’s pay the man $100 per month for having a fishing pole.’

The “detractor” was me. Here is the paragraph from my original Capital Cloak post “Clinton Policy: Hard Work No Solution to Poverty” that Mr. Williams quoted, in its original context:
The idea of paying people, regardless of their income level, to make good common-sense decisions is the epitome of government run amok. It does not matter whether the funding of such a program comes from philanthropy or taxation; the theory behind the program is morally bankrupt and dangerous to the survival of American ideals such as individualism and personal responsibility. Paying someone in cash to make the same logical decisions everyone else makes with no expectation of government reward is socialism in its purest and most personally debilitating form. The Republican [He has since declared himself Independent] Bloomberg’s experiment with such a program demonstrates how far America has fallen from the nation that tamed a continent and outpaced the world in industry and science for generations. We have now gone from “You can feed a man with fish, but it is better to teach him how to fish” to “Let’s pay the man $100 per month for having a fishing pole.”

While I was flattered to read my words in Mr. Williams’ column, unfortunately he did not credit me or provide his readers with a link to the Capital Cloak post in which the quoted sentence appeared. Regardless, Mr. Williams and I shared common ground by opposing the socialistic cash reward program put forth by New York’s “Independent” mayor, and I anticipate that Capital Cloak will continue to influence prominent conservative voices.

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