"Let men be wise by instinct if they can, but when this fails be wise by good advice." -Sophocles

Monday, May 7, 2007

Hamas Runs Mickey Mouse Operation

If you dislike forking over your hard earned income for Disney entertainment knowing the company’s embrace of gay rights and other controversial issues, it will outrage you to learn that the United States government has been donating millions of dollars to a Palestinian terrorist group that uses Mickey Mouse to teach children hatred for Israel and America, as well as Islamic world domination under Islamic rule.

In fairness to Disney, it is not the real Mickey Mouse. As liberal as the Disney Company has become, however, this is not a Disney sponsored or condoned phenomenon. In a blatant theft of Disney’s trademark and intellectual property, Terror group Hamas, which, through direct funding by the U.S. government to the Abbas Palestinian government and Fatah militia, has invested in Hamas Television and helped create Farfur, a blatant imitation of Mickey Mouse. Farfur is no ordinary cartoon character for children. Hamas Television is a propaganda arm of the rabidly anti-Israeli group responsible for most suicide bombings that occur in Israel. Bombings at Jerusalem’s Sbarro’s restaurant, discos and other gathering points for Israeli civilians and visiting tourists have been the scenes of Hamas’s campaign of terror in recent years. Farfur is now winning the hearts and minds of Palestinian youth through cute vignettes and songs, such as the following inspirational anthem. Clap and sing with Farfur if you know the words:
"Oh Jerusalem, we are coming…
Oh Jerusalem, we will never surrender to the enemy,
We will never be humiliated,
It is beloved Palestine that taught us what to be
And taught us to be the soldiers of the Lord of the Worlds
We will destroy the chair of the despots, so they will taste the flame of death.
We will lead a war."[Al Aqsa TV, April 30, 2007]

Destroying Israel is not enough for the beloved Farfur, who, along with his youthful girl co-host named Saraa’, merrily teaches Palestinian children to fight until they win:
Farfur: “Yes, we, tomorrow’s pioneers, will restore to this nation its glory, and we will liberate Al-Aqsa, with Allah’s will, and we will liberate Iraq, with Allah’s will, and we will liberate the Muslim countries, invaded by murderers.”

Saraa’: “Yes, they are children occupied by the Jews, but with the will of Allah, we will resist and protect against the Zionist occupation.”

Farfur: “Until we win, with the will of Allah, we will resist until we win.”[Al-Aqsa TV, April 16, 2007]

The existence of this program, as reported by Free Republic, was exposed by Palestinian Media Watch, an organization that offered a chilling assessment of the content and appeal of the Mickey Mouse clone:
The writing in this show is quite sophisticated. Farfur's performance is unquestionably funny and entertaining, as is the character’s comic timing. For example, as he rhymes off a list of world figures, he chirps: “We will win, Bush! We will win, Condoleezza! We will win, Sharon!” Then, without missing a beat, he quips, “Ah, Sharon is dead” (sic), reinforcing his message that the plan for world domination is progressing.

Using a character based on an appealing, world famous and beloved icon like Mickey Mouse to teach Islamic supremacy and resistance as Islamic duty is a powerful and effective way to indoctrinate children.

The effectiveness of this program is heightened by including child viewers, who phone in to the show and recite poems with images of hate and violence; for example, “We will destroy the chair of the despots, so they will taste the flame of death;” and, "Rafah sings ‘Oh, oh.’ Its answer is an AK-47. We who do not know fear, we are the predators of the forest."

Is it any wonder that terrorist groups are having increasing success recruiting younger and younger children to strap on suicide vests, or in the case of al Qaeda in Iraq, driving vehicle-borne IEDs into security checkpoints and detonating? Bush administration critics are quick to condemn the Iraq War and the War on Terror in general, but are slow to recognize the nature of the enemy the entire free world faces. In America, Hollywood and a free press lead the charge against President Bush, and are free to do so, although it should be mandatory for them to declare their bias as a disclaimer rather than incorporate it into their movie scripts and news stories as if it were truth. Nevertheless, their counterparts in Palestinian media are utilizing the same (literally, in this case) eye catching entertainment techniques to brainwash children to become future terrorists and eventually martyrs.

Considering our self-imposed limitations on what we will and will not accept in our fight against terrorism, it seems that our very scruples may hasten our demise when faced, as we are, with an enemy that clones Mickey Mouse and uses his charming appearance and voice to recruit for future battles. In America’s noble desire for peace, America has lavished monetary aid upon the Palestinian Abbas government despite widely accepted reports that the money is used to purchase weapons for Hamas and apparently also to broadcast cute little Farfur terrorist recruitment programs to impressionable children.

I am proud that our culture rejects such methods, but it is instructive to note the absolute desire to win expressed through Farfur’s message. Driving the Jews out of Israel is not enough. Driving the U.S. out of Iraq is insufficient. The message is one of world domination and the imposition of Islamic rule and law upon all peoples and cultures. America’s enemy is not terrorism. America’s enemy is any ideology that utilizes terrorism to achieve its goal, in this case global Sharia, which is the antithesis of democracy. We are fighting terrorists in Iraq to preserve a new democracy, but we are sending money to the Abbas Palestinian government that is used to wage war and terrorism against a long-standing ally and democracy, Israel. Under such conditions, winning a war against terrorism seems an unlikely goal.


Anonymous said...

Good post. It is frightening the means being used to promote hatred and world domination. I disagree with one comment you made however. You stated that "[you were] proud that our culture rejects such methods" meaning using media to indoctrinate children. I believe our culture is doing the same thing, only instead of targeting a group of people or specific countries (Israel, the U.S. etc.) our culture is targeting the line between right and wrong. As Hamas teaches children that there is a clear line between what they view as right and wrong and that death and murder is needed to keep that line intact, our culture is blurring our line of right and wrong until I fear that one day our children will no longer be able to tell who's "right" is right and who's "right" is wrong. Violence is no longer villafied in our media, cooperating with law enforcement is "snitching," theives are portrayed as Robin Hood, and as long as it makes you happy, you can do whatever you want. Our own "Mickey" is desensitizing our children to the point that they may begin to question whether Hamas is really wrong in believing what they do.

O-Be-Wise said...

Thanks for your comment Mary. Your point about indoctrination altering a child's perception of right and wrong was accurate. My statement about being proud that our culture rejects such methods was a reference to directly teaching children whom to hate and that killing is justified in the name of Allah or God. Our culture certainly indoctrinates children with a lot of worldly and immoral values, but at least for now there is no national agreement that our children should aspire to blow themselves up to achieve immortality. Ultimately the indoctrination performed by Hamas and Hollywood may prove equally destructive, albeit in different and possibly less immediate ways.

Thanks again for your insightful remarks.